Saturday March 15th 2025
Every year, the Brugse Kajak Klub (BKK) organize a rally for kayaks and canoes in the third weekend March.
- Bruges Canals (Brugse Reien): only allowed for kayak or canoeists affiliated with a kayak or canoe club
- There is no possibility to rent a kayak
- SUPs are not allowed
- Limited parking at our club, see below for more details
We offer the following tours :
Tour 1: Zuienkerke (Strooienhaan) – Bruges
- The tour:
- Departure at Strooienhaan (Zuienkerke) (there is place to unload the boats, it’s not possible to leave your car parked the whole day)
- Arrival at the BKK (Bruges)
- Distance: 13.7 km
- Kajak route:
- The first kilometers are on the Blankenbergsevaart towards the canal Ostend-Bruges. Once on the canal you make a tour around Bruges.
- When?
- Registration can be done at our club from 11h or at departure from 12h30
- Start of the tour : 13h30
- Navette from our club to the departure can be foreseen for the driver only. (Only during the start of the tour, not after arrival). We leave at our club for the navette around 13h.
- Portion of soup is provided upon arrival in Bruges

Tour 2 : The Bruges Canals (Brugse Reien) (Nocturne)
- The Bruges Canals are open from 18h00 until 22h00 (evening tour / nocturne)
- This only for kayaks and canoeists member of a kayak or canoeclub
- Departure from our club to the Coupure (15 – 20 minutes – 1,4 km)
- Transfer boat at the Coupure into the Canals (earliest at 18h00)
- The transfer is (as much as possible) one direction traffic. The transfer from the Canals to the Coupure (the retour) will only be possible from a point that most people are on the Canals (if there is no queue at the Coupure to get on the Canals it will be possible).
- Distance: if you do all the Canals possible, then you have arround 10 km (from departure until arrival at our club).
- As it’s an evening tour, lightning is mandatory. This will be checked at the transfer at the Coupure. No lights = no canals. This can be a headlight, lights at your life jacket, bracelets, … as long your are visible. Also nice: a lighted boat. Also a life jacket is mandatory, and will be checked.
- Registration can be done in Bruges at our club.

Practical information
- Registration and questions: Pre-registration can be done, but is not necessary.
- Registration fee: € 4,00 (the payment is made the day itself at the registration desk on arrival). All tours are included in this price.
- Address: Bargeweg, 8000 Brugge (Jachthaven Flandria)
- In addition to soup, we provide a BBQ with bratwurst (not included)
Car Parking
We may use the parking from Interpark that is located next to our club (with a separate entrance at our club). This only for vehicles that can’t use the parking Station Brugge (Bruges Station).
Car park is possible for :
- Vehicles with a hight bigger or equal to 2,15 meters. This inlcudes the roof racks (and attached brackets);
- Trailers (without vehicle).
Car park is NOT possible for :
- Vehicles lower than 2,15 meters. These can (proposition) use the parking Station Brugge (walking distance);
- Mobilhomes / Campers: those can use the de mobilehome parking place (proposition) (located near the bus parking, near our club). More information:
Loading boats can be done at our club / on the parking place (all types of vehicles). Please follow instructions.
As we want to keep good relations with Interpark to re-use the parking spot in the next years, we will check which vehicles are allowed or not.
There is limited place on our terrain to put some tents (no mobile homes). Please send a mail to for more information / reservation.
How to get there?
With GPS:
Most easy: go to Bargeweg, 8000 Brugge (Jachthaven Flandria)
Without GPS:
Via Gent E40 : at interchange E40 / E403 follow direction Bruges, until the end of the highway E403 – – speed is lowered to 90km/h. See further ‘ Kortrijk E403’.
Via Veurne / Oostende E40: take exit 8 – Brugge (follow direction Brugge until the end of the highway E403 – speed- is lowered to 90km/h). See further E403 via Kortrijk
Via Kortrijk E403 : at the end of the highway, take exit Zedelgem / St. Michiels (Kinepolis / Station). At the roundabout, take the 1st exit. Follow this road until you are at the back of the Brugge railway station. Take the 4th exit (direction Centrum). Just before the next roundabout, go to the right (or take the 1st exit on the roundabout), this is in the direction of Oostkamp. Follow this road. At the bridge, go to the right (direction Katelijnepoort). At the canal (after the parking lot) go to the right.